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June 11, 2014
Town of Princeton  – June 11, 2014
PLANNING BOARD -- Regular Meeting

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Jon Fudeman. Present were: Tom Daly, Ann Neuburg and John Mirick.

New  Business

Board reviewed ANR plan for Map 5A lot 2B from Bonnie Denubila, 206 Beaman Road -- part of Lee estate. The ANR splits family-owned parcel into two lots, each 19.8 acres with one, Parcel A, not created as a building lot and being sold to DCR for watershed protection. Doug Andrysick presented plan and submitted Form A with $100 payment, check #2286. Board voted all in favor to endorse plan and signed Mylar.

Other Business

Ann N. announced that she would be willing to act as PB alternate member as she did not want to stay on the board as a regular member. Tom D. noted that Rick McCowan wanted to retire as alternate member, so Ann may step into that role. She asked for suggestions and some individuals were named to solicit as a potential replacement for Ann.

Board discussed review of lack of clarity in Zoning Bylaws regarding earth removal, and Marie reported on recent issues for building inspector around Sect. III, 1., (D) & (E). Also noted that state statutes protect solar installations and farm activities and sale of products grown/crafted both on site or within the commonwealth. It was noted that under zoning definitions, the word “structure” had a definition at odds with accepted uses.
        The chairman suggested reviewing samples of earth removal bylaws from neighboring towns at the next PB meeting.

Administrative Business

Board voted all in favor to approve May 21 regular meeting minutes; reviewed mail.

Discussed meeting dates in upcoming months and agreed that the next meeting dates will be July 16 and August 20.

8:20 PM  Adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, admin. assistant

Referenced Documents:  Form A and ANR plan for Denubila

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department